Monday, June 30, 2008

Words Used in Various Circumstances

Are there words that you use in one form of communication but not another?

For example, I use "w00t" or "hooray" in written communication forms (e.g. email, Facebook, texting). However, I rarely use these words in verbal situations.

On the other hand, I often say "tough" or "sick" as verbals, but only occasionally in written form.

What are some of the buzz words you use as verbals? How about in written form?


Lisa said...

interesting thought, josh.

one that comes to mind that i'll type but won't as easily say is "whee!"

and - oddly, i probably type the word "hello" more often than i'll actually say it outloud.

Brian Geihsler said...

Haha, dude, w00t should be used in all forms of communication! =P

Josh Mathews said...

BG, I find that many people have no idea what "w00t" means. So if I use it in written form, at least they can search it on Urban Dictionary!

I think you or Wes were one of the first ones I ever heard use the word.

Josh Mathews said...

hahah Lisa...I think I am exactly the opposite with "hello"!

Whee? Does that mean you are having fun?

Anonymous said...

I say "cool beans"
and "jello" as the malu way of saying hello.
I also speak in spanish from time to time...or spanglish.

- jimmy