Friday, October 14, 2005


“ For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Wo we fix our eyes on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
- Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18

Well, by starting with a statement like that, it may seem to you that I have it all together. On the contrary friends. I actually put that verse first to express how little faith I have in the One I believe saved me from eternal death.

Often, it is easy for me to say a verse, or vocally agree when hearing something, but so many times, I never apply them in real life. Why is that? Why is it that we can always say we believe in something, but cannot follow through in our actions?

For me it is the limited view I have of God. I put the God of the universe who created me and think, “He cannot possibly do this.” It is easy for me to say that I am only human and these things are normal and common. However, I do not want to live life with excuses. I know the truth that is revealed.

(Insert Transition Here) One thing that has kept me up tonight is the realization that I do not appreciate things enough when they are right in front of me. Even going back to freshman year of college, I remember being sad at the start of second semester that our hallway would be splitting apart in a few months. Then there is this summer and the amazing experience that I am missing so much. When will I start enjoying the amazing people I am currently surrounded with? I am so unbelievable blessed and yet do not even realize it!

How is your life? Worried? Stressed? Angry? Joyful? Excited? Appreciating of the things around you? Take a 20 seconds, really 20 seconds, to just sit and think.


Anonymous said...

20 seconds: I'm thankful for God revealing the sacrifice of Jesus to me, having the Spirit to guide me daily (HUGE!!), enjoying the love of my beautiful wife, loving on my beautiful boys (and them loving me back...there's nothing quite like hearing "I love you too daddy!"), and the blessing of working at a place like Hope.

That was a great break in the day buddy!
