Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Beauty of Simplicity

While I have been at home this break, I have been pondering the simple things in life. So often, I get caught up in immersing myself in complicated issues, discussions, arguments, and ideas. While these events are needed and beneficial for proper maturity, I often lose sight of the most important, yet simple, aspects of it all.

In the spiritual sense, it is so easy to get caught up in current, “hot-button” issues that are fun, interesting, and exciting. Finding a faith-based conversation on homosexuality, the death penalty, abortion, or whatever else is simple. However, how difficult it is to talk about the source and foundation of that faith. Why am I not digging deep into the well of the simple yet deep GRACE of Jesus Christ? How often I lose sight of my sin and superficially take God’s grace as atonement?

See, the ugliness of losing sight of simple yet foundational truths is that these very truths are perceived in a light manner. No longer do we attempt to feel the weight of our sin bearing down. I do not mean this in a way to prevent one from experiencing the freeing grace of Christ. Actually, I mean exactly the opposite. Attempting to understand our very sin helps us appreciate how beautiful and marvelous that saving Grace truly is.

Think of it this way. If you were expecting to get a 95% on a test and your teacher told you that you received a perfect 100% score, you would be pretty excited. On the flip side, if you knew you had earned a 50% failing grade, and your teacher came to you and said that one of your classmates agreed to take the consequence of a failing grade and give you their perfect score, what would your reaction be? My first emotion would be one of questioning. Can he do that? Is it possible? Is it right? After seeing that it is true, legitimate, and possible, I would be so joyous and awestruck. It would not even compare to the excitement I would be feeling if I expected it. At the same time, you would not be able to have that perfect grade unless you accepted it as your own. Just knowing that the offer is there does not mean you actually have the grade. (I know this may not be a perfect example to God’s grace).

People, this is what we have in Christ. We are sinful. We have all done something wrong and these things deserve a failing grade in the test of eternity. However, Jesus Christ, who had a perfect score on the test of eternity agreed to switch grades. He agreed to take the consequence of your sin. He was mocked, beaten, whipped, and nailed to a cross. He died in your place. And He gave us a way to reach Heaven, solely through himself. He gave us this free, undeserved gift. It is not enough to just to know that this amazing gift is there. We must all accept it as our own.