Saturday, May 28, 2005

Good News

Well, for about the last month, I have been on an alternate pool for a Community Advisor (some call it Residence Advisor) position for next year. Basically what that meant was that I was qualified to be a CA but all the positions were filled. They developed this alternate pool to replace the people who drop out throughout the summer and fall semester.

While all this does not sound like that big of a deal, it really was. I am one of those people that really like to plan ahead and have things set up. However, since the start of my sophomore year of college, I have been working on ways to be more spontaneous and easy going. Well, I did not know God was going to put me in a situation where I would be forced to either choose to be in an alternate pool with no gurantees or sign a lease so I would have a place to live next semester. In the end, I choose to stay in the pool and not sign a lease.

Over the last month, I really could not do that much. Nothing I did or said could really get me the position, so I learned to rely on God for the whole thing. It was pretty funny because I was joking with my roommates that they were going to live so far away next year (which they really are), but Hupila would always say, "At least I have a place to live!" Anyways, as of yesterday morning, I have a place to live too!

I received e-mail from the director for Housing and Residential Life telling me there was an opening in Frontier Hall for next year and if I would be interested in taking the position. Honestly, I did not even know what to think, I was just so blown away. Earlier in the week, I had told my mom just to continue to keep the whole situation in her prayers especially this week. And just the night before I was talking to a friend from school and she had also said she would also be praying about it. Last night before I went to bed I remembered a thought from the book The Prayer of Jabez. One of the things said is to not just to pray but to pray specifically. So I proceeded to pray that a position would open up in either Frontier or T-hall over the summer.

I have always had a special place for Frontier since freshman year. For those of you who are lucky enough to know my hallway (2S holla!) understand how close we still are and how sad we were to leave at the end of the year. I cannot wait to go back. My room will actually be 183, right below where I was freshman year (294), so now I guess its 1S holla!

Before I forget, I wanted to thank all of you who supported me through the process. Especially to Rohde and Dietrich and also Spencer who all opened up their apartments to me as a backup plan. Also Sean who let me have UV as a back up too. And to add to some seniors that I will miss who have helped me through the process: my old CA Peter along with Cara and Spencer again that have guided me from the application to now. I appreciate all your advice and guidance.

Alright, now that I sound like I am giving an acceptance speech at the Grammy's, I have figured its getting late and I need to wake up early...take care


Anonymous said...


I'm SO excited that you got your position! You will still be close to us and so you are required to come hang out for meals when you get sick of good old UDS! ;-)

Have a blessed summer