Sunday, July 13, 2008

This Is What We Have To Look Forward To?

This small quote was on the front page of the local news paper in the "Birthdays" corner.
Jane Doe turns 89 today. She enjoys sitting on her patio looking at her yard and flowers, and spending time with family.

I changed the name for sake of not pointing the finger at the person, but more so the trend that society seems be promoting. As a young professional, I am advised to save, contribute to a 401(k), invest wisely, and start a Roth IRA. But for what purpose? For comfort? For security? To look at flowers? To retire early and disconnect from life and coast into my death bed?

There must be more! There has to be some sort of purpose.
The greatest cause in the world is joyfully rescuing people from hell, meeting their earthly needs, making them glad in God, and doing it with a kind, serious pleasure that makes Christ look like the Treasure he is. (Piper, Don't Waste Your Life, 122)
My reaction to this simple quote may be a bit extreme. What do you think? What is the point of retirement? What would you want your retirement years (if you have them) to look like?


Matt said...

Yea, that sounds really sad and boring. I hope if/when I come to that period of my life, I'll be making a difference in the world, even if that's just in my community. I know a couple people who are getting more involved with their mission work and charities as they've reached the retirement age. I hope I become someone who does something productive and meaningful for my entirety rather than be a bum on a log...